Human Development Forum

Transforming tribal communities in Telangana, India

Global food systems are failing both people and the planet due to overarching interconnected challenges, including climate change, natural resource …

Transforming tribal communities in Telangana, India Read More »

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

The Republic of Korea’s new vision through forests

The Republic of Korea (ROK) currently has a 63 percent forest cover, twice the world average of 31 percent, ranking …

The Republic of Korea’s new vision through forests Read More »

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

Sustainable solutions – teaming up on forest stewardship

Healthy and resilient forests help life on Earth to thrive. Forests cover over 30 per cent of the Earth’s surface, …

Sustainable solutions – teaming up on forest stewardship Read More »

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

Sustainable agenda for future youth

Delivered at the United Nations Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, New York, the message from His …

Sustainable agenda for future youth Read More »

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

Supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation in Central America

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is a multilateral development bank with the primary objective of promoting economic …

Supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation in Central America Read More »

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

Successes in ALECSO’s mission to achieve sustainable development

Proceeding from its Vision 2030, its educational, cultural, and scientific mandate and founding charter, and in line with its goals …

Successes in ALECSO’s mission to achieve sustainable development Read More »

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

Singapore food, water and energy resilience for a city-state

A small and densely populated island city-state, Singapore is heavily reliant on trade and disproportionately affected by global supply chain …

Singapore food, water and energy resilience for a city-state Read More »

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

Serving China-Africa cooperation and promoting common high-quality development

The establishment of the China-Africa Development Fund is one of eight measures of practical cooperation with Africa announced by the …

Serving China-Africa cooperation and promoting common high-quality development Read More »

Uploaded Date: November 6, 2023

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