
Sr. No Title Link
1 SDG India Index and Dashboard: NITI Aayog https://sdgindiaindex.niti.gov.in/#/
2 India SDG Dashboard: MoSPI http://www.sdgindia2030.mospi.gov.in/dashboard/
3 Sustainable Development Report : Sustainable Development Solutions Network https://dashboards.sdgindex.org/
4 SDG Dashboard: Government of Punjab https://sdgdashboard.punjab.gov.in/home/login
5 SDG Dashboard: Government of Andhra Pradesh http://apsdg.ap.gov.in/ap-sdg.html
6 AKANKSHA-Integrated CSR Facilitation Platform: Government of Karnataka http://akanksha.karnataka.gov.in/#/
7 North Eastern Region District SDG Index and Dashboard: NITI Aayog and Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region https://sdgindiaindex.niti.gov.in/NER/dashboard/#/
8 SDG Dashboard
9 Global Map of SDG Actions https://act4sdgs.org/global-map/
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