SDG Localization: Uttarakhand’s journey so far

Uttarakhand is one of the few states in the country which has been actively driving an array of initiatives for the implementation of SDGs in the past five years. The State considers the 17 global goals as an imperative framework for streamlining its development policies and programs and for undertaking action from the bottom-up approach. Uttarakhand expressed its commitment to achieving the goals and the targets by or before 2030 and has been at the forefront in ensuring its localization and integration. It acknowledges that being a universal call of action localization of the global goals is critical for the effective implementation of SDG framework in the State.

Centre for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPPGG) anchored under the Department of Planning is spearheading the SDG implementation in Uttarakhand as a nodal agency. The Centre has been coordinating with various state departments in integrating and localizing the goals. Keeping the importance of the SDGs localization in mind, the State has taken several steps for localization and integration of the SDGs into the planning, implementation, and budgeting processes. This process began with the development of a State vision document that aims to provide a roadmap for achieving SDGs considering the contextual realities of Uttarakhand. Further, CPPGG in coordination with District administration organized district-level multi-stakeholder consultation workshops to develop a District vision framework for each of the 13 districts. This initiative aimed to identify and prioritize district-specific issues and come up with district-specific strategies for integrating SDG implementation plan with District and Gram Panchayat Development Plans and focus on Coordination Convergence and Networking Model (C2N). Involvement of district-level officials and participation of key stakeholders including civil society representatives and Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) was very critical to strengthen ownership and to instrumentalize transformation through the district vision plan. Alongside integrating SDGs in the planning process Uttarakhand also developed an SDG indicator framework at State and District level and is being monitored through the State level online dashboard launched in 2020. In addition, a district monthly indicator framework has also been developed.

Most of the development schemes in the District Plan are directly or indirectly linked to one or more of the SDGs. To strengthen the district level planning CPPGG collaborated with the District administration and organized workshops to formulate a comprehensive district annual and three-year SDG-aligned action plan. A format has been designed entailing columns on SDGs which will ensure that the goals are kept in mind while planning the departmental district action plan.

To further the endeavor of localizing SDGs, it was realized that Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies play a very important role. The Village, Block, and District Panchayat level planning aims to promote participatory local planning and implementation for holistic development. On the other hand, the SDG framework is universal which requires local thrust to become a reality. The common denominator of ‘local level planning’ indicates an obvious connection between the two.

29 Subjects of Panchayat


1. Agriculture SDG 2



SDG 12

End hunger, food security, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Sustainable Consumption and Production

2. Animal Husbandry
3.  Fisheries
4. Land Improvement SDG 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation
5. Minor Irrigation SDG 6


Clean Water and Sanitation

Promote Sustainable agriculture



6. Social Forestry


SDG 15

Sustainable management of forests, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
7. Minor Forest Produce
8. Small scale industries SDG 8



Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

9. Khadi, village, and cottage industries
10. Roads
11. Rural Housing SDG 1 End poverty in all its forms
12. Drinking Water SDG 6 Sustainable management of Water and Sanitation
13. Fuel and fodder SDG 7


Clean and Affordable Energy


14. Rural Electrification
15. Non-conventional energy
16. Poverty alleviation programme SDG 1


End poverty in all its forms
17. Education SDG 4


Quality Education


18. Vocational education
19. Adult and non-formal education
20. Libraries
21. Cultural activities SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
22. Markets and fairs SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
23. Health and sanitation SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being
24. Family welfare
25. Women and child development SDG 5

SDG 16

Women empowerment & Gender Equality

Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

26. Social welfare SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
27. Welfare of the weaker sections SDG 1

SDG 10

End poverty

Reduced Inequalities

28. Public distribution system SDG 2 Zero Hunger and Ensure Food Security
29. Maintenance of community assets SDG 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovations

The process of integration of SDGs with the 29 subjects of the Panchayat will bring the local planning in sync with national and state priorities. Thus, Panchayats have a crucial role in gathering the required momentum for achieving SDGs. Table 1 depicts how various Panchayat subjects fall within the purview of SDGs.

To support the Panchayat department in the integration of SDGs in annual GPDP, CPPGG in collaboration with the Department of Panchayat Raj, Uttarakhand organized a series of consultation workshops at all 3 tiers of Panchayats. The outcome of these workshops was the development of a Model Panchayat Plan book which incorporated the 29 Panchayat subjects aligning it with the Sustainable Development Goals to strengthen governance in rural areas.


These initiatives at the state level are ensuring institutionalizing of SDG localization at the planning, implementation, and monitoring level. However, the sustainability of these efforts taken by the State requires the active engagement of political leadership, government officials, and other stakeholders. Uttarakhand envisages working with Urban Local bodies, and other stakeholders like youth, schools, corporates, CSOs, etc. thus reiterating the relevance of People and partnership among the five Ps of SDGs.

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For SDG Dashboard visit this link Team, Uttarakhand

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