What can be the ways to encourage sustainability in a local community?

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    • #12309 Reply

      Anyone can share their view for encouraging sustainability in a local community.

    • #12370 Reply

      Urban areas generally don’t provide the space needed for green cultivation to all individuals. In this case, pooling a community together to start a gardening group can be a step in the right direction. The whole neighbourhood can grow veggies, flowers, and fruits, and can go greener. Moreover, the community garden can also have a compost pile where locals can dispose of their food wastes instead of generating heaps of waste in the landfills.

    • #13572 Reply
      John Doe

      Since we can support sustainability by modelling eco-friendly behaviours, one can choose community-facing approaches to create a good ripple effect. One method to go green is to ride a bicycle whenever possible, as it is a pollution-free mode of transportation. Perhaps that means commuting to work on a green two-wheeler or zipping around town to do the errands. Even if one can’t ride a bike, he/she may make their normal mode of transportation greener by enlisting the help of others. Starting a carpool with their co-workers will reduce the number of cars on the road each day. Through this, one can save money on fuel and tolls. If a person doesn’t live near co-workers, they can consider taking public transportation to work to make their commute and their neighbourhood more sustainable.

    • #13573 Reply
      Madhav Sharma

      As everyday energy consumers, we should all be aware of where our energy comes from and how it affects the environment. Fortunately, we now have the ability to not only determine where our energy comes from but also to choose where it comes from in many circumstances. Therefore, as consumers, we can aim to reduce our carbon footprint by using green energy sources such as solar energy, or energy generated from agricultural, urban or industrial waste.

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