Data Driven Governance
While the core approach of the programme is based on the 3Cs (Convergence, Competition and Collaboration) a key component in facilitating these, especially pertaining to Competition is through the real time data collection and monitoring undertaken by NITI Aayog. While district officials are responsible for updating a majority of real time data against the indicators, NITI Aayog commissions regular surveys to ensure validity of data entered on the dashboard.

The baseline assessment was conducted in March 2018 upon commencement of the programme and used 49 indicators (81 data points) to rank the status of the districts across the five sectors. Since then, districts are ranked on a month-on-month basis, which is displayed on the Champions of Change (CoC) Dashboard dedicated solely for the purpose of monitoring data and providing districts with updated information on their performance as compared to other districts.
The Delta ranking method measures incremental changes in performance indicators monthly. The methodology adopted by NITI Aayog for this purpose, employs a mix of self-reported data entered by districts as well as data points validated by third party agencies such as Tata Trust and IDinsight the Knowledge partners under the ADP.
The CoC dashboard provides sector wise ranking. This is expected to bring in a sense of competition and accountability, as well as serve as a mechanism for identifying key development sectors that may need further handholding and support.